Orioles, Royals, Indians Band Together To Sign Free Agent
First baseman Derrek Lee agreed to a 1-year contract to be split three ways by the Baltimore Orioles, Cleveland Indians and Kansas City Royals, as the clubs decided to pool their money in order to acquire the best player possible.
"One-third of a player as talented as Derrek Lee is better than 100% of what we'd usually get," said Orioles president of baseball operations, Andy MacPhail. "We are excited to have Derrek in our line-up on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays."
Lee will be on the field for the Indians on Thursdays and Fridays, and for the Royals on weekends, PF understands.
"He'll provide a veteran clubhouse presence that we are lacking," Kansas City manager Ned Yost says. "And once we fall out of contention, we can always trade our share of Derrek Lee for prospects. It's a win-win."
The Pirates have offered each team $25 for one pinch hit at-bat from Lee.